Seeing as I didn’t manage to make it into Uni today, I decided to do some work and have a mini shopping spree. I went to a shop in my local shopping centre called Tiger. If you’ve been to one before you’ll probably agree how there’s such a weird and interesting mixture of stuff on sale for such good prices. I’ve bought in there before an A3 art sketchbook with over 300 pages for about £5 which is amazing especially for an art student like me! I also go this cute little patterned china egg last Easter with beautiful golden trimmings for £2 – (as far as I remember!) which I store my pocket-watch in.

I love the Christmas decorations and tacky hats that they have in at the moment and often can’t leave without a cheeky buy! Today I got some amazing wool – well it’s polyester – in this fabulous coral colour and some 6.0 knitting needles made from bamboo.

I’m knitting a chunky scarf! May need some more of the ‘wool’!

I also got this beautiful golden angel as decoration for my Christmas tree. I love anything gold and shiny, I’m a bit of a magpie like that and so couldn’t resist this! There were quite a few different variations of this decoration which I may go back at a later date to get!
All of these items came to only £4!!!!! So it turned out to be a very good day with lots of Christmas presents and cards bought!


Headband; Accessorize, shirt; Primark, cardigan; vintage, necklace; Bhs, earrings; charity shop, skirt, M&S, shoes; New Look

Here’s my outfit from today, not that I got to wear it into uni seeing as there were no metropolitan line trains going southbound – wonderfull! 😡






I’ve found a new website which is pretty much the same as Polyvore but to be honest just because it’s new I find it interesting. It hosts competitions for outfits that members create and I’m experimenting with some styles using what the website gives me. I can’t post it directly to my blog like I can with Polyvore so please check my page out!




I’ve been making accessories and clothing inspired by recycling and reclaimed objects for a brief at University. I’ve had a hunt around my local charity shops for some inspiration which I haven’t done for ages and manages to find some amazing pieces!!

The above three pictures are earrings and a necklace made from kids toys found in a charity shop and beads.

In the three images above, I made one bracelet from rolled up paper which I then sewed together and glued on some of my found beads with a glue gun, another is rolled up napkin paper with this super funky floral pattern on it and sewed the pieces together and the last is rolled up pieces of fabric sewn together taken from a jacket that I found in a charity shop for £7!!

This is the jacket. I bought it and then unpicked all of the seams to take it apart and at the moment I’m creating a dress from the pattern pieces; great fun!

I then started to make accessories out of paper!

The images above show a cuff made from paper where I cut long strips and wove them together using a plain weave.

These images show this larger piece which I made, it kind of looks like armour!

I was so inspired by this brief and I try and shop in charity and vintage shops as much as possible because of the unique pieces that I always find for such great prices. A big thank you also to my friend Rosie for being an awesome model!!

OOH! Totally forgot to mention my friend’s jewellery blog. She featured an article on these pieces and I had a bit of a stalk and her stuff is amazing! She sells her jewellery on ASOS Marketplace which is amazing so check her stuff out!!


Hiya! So a new branch of H&M just opened up in my local shopping centre; Harrow. It’s on two floors which I’m so pleased about and has so much to offer! I;ve had a good look around and luckily it’s right next to Topshop, so I doubt I’ll ever leave that little corner of Harrow, at least not with something new every time!! Today I was SO COLD after my journey hope from Epsom and decided to…’invest’ in this lovely snuggly warm hat! I love the print and think it’s going to be my best friend for the rest of the year and will go perfectly with my beautiful, cheesy Christmas jumpers which I will be sporting again this year!

http://www.christmasjumper.co.uk/ – here’s a great website! Be sure to also check out Primark, Topman/Topshop and H&M for some amazing Christmas jumpers this year!! Ooh and be sure to check out http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/christmas-jumper-day/faqs and see if you can sign up, or knit your own jumper if you can! http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/knitting-patterns
